Q: Sexual Orientation

The Questions

Sexual Orientation

What is your sexual orientation (check all that apply)?
[] Straight
[] Questioning
[] Gay
[] Masexual/androsexual
[] Lesbian
[] Womasexual/gynesexual
[] Queer
[] Poly
[] Asexual
[] Graysexual
[] Demisexual
[] Bisexual
[] Bicurious
[] Trisexual
[] Pansexual
[] Omnisexual
[] Fluid/abrosexual
[] Aceflux
[] Autosexual
[] Androgynesexual
[] Self Identify: _________________
[] Prefer not to answer

Romantic Orientation

What is your romantic orientation (check all that apply)?
[] Straight
[] Questioning
[] Gay
[] Manromantic/androromantic
[] Lesbian
[] Womanromantic/gyneromantic
[] Queer
[] Poly
[] Aromantic
[] Grayromantic
[] Demiromantic
[] Biromantic
[] Bicurious
[] Triromantic
[] Panromatic
[] Omniromantic
[] Fluid/abroromantic
[] Aroflux
[] Autoromantic
[] Androgyneromantic
[] Self Identify: _________________
[] Prefer not to answer


Note that these are checkboxes and not radio buttons. Many people who identify as queer may also identify as something else.

We separate out the questions of sexual and romantic attraction because people can have different identities for both.

The list of sexual and romantic identities was taken from the book “The ABCs of LGBTQ+” by Ashley Mardell. Available at https://mango.bz/books/the-abcs-of-lgbt-by-ashley-mardell-113-b