------------------------------------------------------ Categories & Definitions reference lists ------------------------------------------------------ Guiding questions ....................................... 1. Should we ask race, ethnicity, culture, and/or nationality? 2. What _questions_ does asking about this information _answer_ 3. What are the concerns with including each? 4. What are the concerns with not including it? .. note:: This isn't comprehensive, but a starting point to think critically about how to ask this question. Race & Ethnicity ....................................... - `List of all US census questions `_ (does not contain field answers) - `NIH Racial and Ethnic categories `_ - `US State of Iowa's Race Classifications `_ - `Wikipedia's list of "contemporary" ethnic groups `_ - `US Census Bureau's "ongoing research about race & ethnicity `_ also related - a `review of the new question `_ format - `United States Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity `_ - `Wikipedia about race/ethnicity on US Census `_ - `Race & Ethnicity course notes `_ - `CIA World Factbook: ethnic groups by country `_ .. todo:: - look at Directive 15. - look at Canadian / European census items.