Source: stringManipulation.js

import sha1 from "./sha1.min.js"

 * a bunch of helper functions for string manipulation that can be reused throughout the project

 * regex to find break tags
 * @type {RegExp}
export const br = /<\s*\/?\s*br\s*\/?\s*>/;

 * This helper function just converts a number to nonbreaking spaces.
 * That's all it does
export function numToSpace(howMany) {
    // convert # to spaces
    let prefix = '';
    for (let s =0; s < howMany; s++) {
        prefix += "&nbsp;";

    return prefix;
* This helper function just converts a number to a repeating character
* That's all it does
export function numToChar(howMany,whatChar) {
    // convert # to characters
    let prefix = '';
    for (let s =0; s < howMany; s++) {
        prefix += whatChar;

    return prefix;

// this helper function generates a random number between a min and a max
// and returns that # in spaces
export function randomSpacer(min, max) {
    let theNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

    return numToSpace(theNumber);

 * adds two blocks of text together side by side (must be the same number of rows)
export const addBlocks = (block1, block2) => {
    //split up both blocks
    const rows1 = block1.split(br);
    let rows2 = block2.split(br);

    // band-aid to fix an error
    const diff = rows2.length - rows1.length;
    if (diff > 0) rows2 = rows2.slice(0, rows2.length - diff);

    if (rows1.length !== rows2.length) throw new Error(`blocks must have same number of rows; got ${rows1.length} and ${rows2.length}`);
    return, i) => row + rows2[i]).join('<br/>');

 * This function returns a random timestamp between now (aka before the HASTAC conference) and the rough date of its founding: 2003.
 * surrounded by `\xa6` so that the timestamp can easily be located in a string.
export function getTimestamp() {
    const hastacFounding = new Date("January 1, 2003"); // keeping this human readable in case it needs to change.
    const end =; // this one too.

    // note that we don't need to getTime() from end because it's above.  
    return "\xa6" + (new Date(hastacFounding.getTime() + Math.random() * (end - hastacFounding.getTime())).getTime()) + "\xa6";

 * reverses all the timestamps in a string; useful after horizontally flipping a sprite
export const reverseTimestamps = str => (
    str.split("\xa6").map((piece, i) =>
        i % 2 === 1 && isNumeric(piece)? reverseString(piece) : piece

export const removeTimestampDelimiters = str => str.replaceAll("\xa6", "");

 * taken from here ^
function isNumeric(str) {
    if (typeof str != "string") return false // we only process strings!
    return !isNaN(str) && // use type coercion to parse the _entirety_ of the string (`parseFloat` alone does not do this)...
        !isNaN(parseFloat(str)) // ...and ensure strings of whitespace fail

 * Generates a hash.
 * @returns a 40 character sha1 hash
export function generateHash() {
    const array = new Uint32Array(10);
    // we love cryptographically strong randoms.
    const vals = crypto.getRandomValues(array);

    return sha1(vals);

// I took this. from ^ because we might not even reverse strings in the final one
// we might be using arrays or other things, TBD.
export function reverseString(str) {
    // Step 1. Use the split() method to return a new array
    var splitString = str.split(""); // var splitString = "hello".split("");
    // ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
    // Step 2. Use the reverse() method to reverse the new created array
    var reverseArray = splitString.reverse(); // var reverseArray = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"].reverse();
    // ["o", "l", "l", "e", "h"]
    // Step 3. Use the join() method to join all elements of the array into a string
    var joinArray = reverseArray.join(""); // var joinArray = ["o", "l", "l", "e", "h"].join("");
    // "olleh"
    //Step 4. Return the reversed string
    return joinArray; // "olleh"

// I copied this from stack overflow
export function mergeString(str1, str2) {
    var a = str1.split("").filter(Boolean);
    var b = str2.split("");
    var mergedString = '';

    for(var i = 0; i < a.length || i < b.length; i++) {  //loop condition checks if i is less than a.length or b.length
        if(i < a.length)  //if i is less than a.length add a[i] to string first.
            mergedString +=  a[i];
        if(i < b.length)  //if i is less than b.length add b[i] to string.
            mergedString +=  b[i];
    return mergedString;

 * add a number of spaces to each row
 * @param rows {string[]}
 * @param width {number} number of spaces
 * @returns {string[]}
const addHorizontalSpaceToRows = (rows, width) => => row ? " ".repeat(width) + row : row);

 * returns string 2 with any space replaced by corresponding character in string 1
 * @param str1
 * @param str2
const imposeStrings = (str1, str2) => str2.split("").map((char, i) => char === ' ' && i < str1.length
    ? str1.charAt(i) : char ).join("");

 * impose string block2 on top of string block1. assumes whitespace in the form of &nbsp;'s .
 * @author Michael Crockett
 * @param {string} block1 a string made up of rows that are separated by <br> tags
 * @param {string} block2 a string made up of rows that are separated by <br> tags
 * @return {string} blocks imposed
export function imposeBlocks(block1, block2, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0) {
    //split up both blocks
    let rows1 = block1.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ").split(br);
    let rows2 = block2.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ").split(br);

    // add horizontal space as needed
    if (offsetX > 0) rows2 = addHorizontalSpaceToRows(rows2, offsetX) // add horizontal space to block2
    else if (offsetX < 0) rows1 = addHorizontalSpaceToRows(rows1, -offsetX) // add horizontal space to block1

    // add vertical space as needed
    if (offsetY > 0) for (let i = 0; i < offsetY; i++) rows1.unshift("") // add vertical space to block1
    else if (offsetY < 0) for (let i = 0; i < -offsetY; i++) rows2.unshift("") // add vertical space to block2

    // impose
    const imposedRows = [];

    // add first unconflicting part
    if (offsetY>0) for (let i=0; i < offsetY; i++) imposedRows[i] = rows2[i];
    else {
        offsetY *= -1;
        for (let i=0; i < offsetY; i++) imposedRows[i] = rows1[i];

    // find end of conflict
    const eoc = Math.min(rows1.length, rows2.length);

    // add conflicting part
    if (offsetX>0) for (let i = offsetY; i < eoc; i++) imposedRows[i] =
        rows1[i].slice(0, offsetX) + (rows1[i].length < offsetX ? " ".repeat(offsetX - rows1[i].length) : "") // fill it in with space if there's not enough here
            + imposeStrings(rows1[i].slice(offsetX), rows2[i].slice(offsetX))
            + rows1[i].slice(rows2[i].length);
    else for (let i = offsetY; i < eoc; i++) imposedRows[i] = imposeStrings(rows1[i], rows2[i]) + rows1[i].slice(rows2[i].length);

    // add last non-conflicting part
    if (rows1.length > rows2.length) for (let i=eoc; i < rows1.length; i++) imposedRows[i] = rows1[i];
    else for (let i=eoc; i < rows2.length; i++) imposedRows[i] = rows2[i];

    return => row.replaceAll(" ", "&nbsp;")).join("<br/>");

// helper function to get a random int within a certain range
export function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    min = Math.ceil(min);
    max = Math.floor(max);
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

 * helper function to count the number of characters in a string
 * assuming it has HTML and nonbreaking spaces in it.
export function countCharacters(charString) {
    // 1. replace all nbsp; with " "
    var clean = charString.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ");
    // strip any HTML (just in case)
    const regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
    clean = clean.replace(regex, "");
    return clean.length;